Friday, 12 February 2016

Front Cover

This is my final front cover that I arrived at. The names of the artists at the bottom, the pieces of information on the side, have all been kept the same apart from the photograph and the name 'HANNAH SNOWDON' was changed to 'ROSE LONDON' instead. The name of the artists were changed to white with a drop shadow because at first the names did not stand out enough against the photograph, which has slightly less colour contrast that the photograph I had used for inspiration.

With the photograph, I tried as much as I could to recreate the image I used for my mock up, with the pose, the patterned shirt and the fact that ithas a black and white filter. Instead of the model looking away from the camera, I chose to have direct mode of address to create a personal relationship with the reader (Uses and Gratifications theory).

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Front Cover Mock Up

When starting my mock ups, I decided to choose a colour scheme which you can see here is black, white and turquoise. The image itself is in black and white with the text in black, white and turquoise. The artist's name is in turquoise to make it stand out more against the black and white.

I choose a black and white image because it implies elegance and sophistication, for a niche market of 16 to 25 year olds which that appeals to. The colours were chosen for the same reason.

For my front cover, I used this image because I want a close up that emphasises a focus on the artist. However, the image I have chosen is looking away from the camera although my image shall be with direct mode of address to create a personal relationship with the address(Uses and Gratifications). I liked the fact that the image is in black and white because it implies sophistication and elegance, which is normally associated with older generations. However, my magazine will be a sophisticated magazine for a younger audience, oppositional to the hegemonic norm. The pull-out quotation creates enigmas( Hermeneutic Codes, Barthes)